Botus Fleming and Hatt Neighbourhood Plan website

Chairman's Blog

Parish Council Elections

Following last week's elections we now have six members of the Steering Committee on the Parish Council. To restore the balance on the Committee we would love to recruit more members from the community to help us. We meet fortnightly to make plans and discuss progress. That's not as dry as it sounds as the group is very sociable and friendly and there is a considerable informal aspect. Those of us who still have our hair are grey so some younger members would help address this imbalance. Contact us if you are interested or want more details.

Posted: 9 May 2017

The Big Lunch

One of our aims is to promote a stronger and closer community. On the weekend of June 17-18th many communities across the UK will be hosting either The Big Lunch, a community cohesion event promoted by the Eden Project, or the Big Get Together to celebrate the community work of the late Jo Cox MP. Members of the NDP committee would be happy to support and help facilitate such an event if there is sufficient community interest.

Posted: 21 April 2017

Neighbourhood Watch

We have also been actively engaged in preparing for the launch of a Neighbourhood Watch, and are pleased to announce that our Parish Coordinator has now been formally accepted. Next steps on this soon.

Posted: 10 April 2017


Botus Fleming and Hatt Neighbourhood Development Plan